Associated partners

Association Européenne des Conservatoires, Académies de Musique et Musikhochschulen (AEC)

The Association Européenne des Conservatoires, Académies de Musique et Musikhochschulen (AEC) is a European cultural and educational network representing the higher music education sector in Europe and beyond. AEC sees the sector as combining a quest for excellence in the areas of artistic practice, learning & teaching and research & innovation. It addresses these areas by providing support, information and expert advice to its members, by engaging in advocacy and partnership-building at European and international levels and by implementing measures to raise understanding and enhance quality standards across the European higher education area and beyond.

With its 297 member institutions in Europe and beyond, the AEC can ensure that the outcomes of IN.TUNE will serve as inspiration for the higher music education sector as a whole and thus contribute to boosting the quality of higher arts education and strengthening the international competitiveness and attractiveness of the European higher music education landscape. In its role as associate partner, AEC will not only act as a platform for dissemination but will also support processing the alliance results and adapt them to the individual needs of its members.


Centar beogradskih festivala (CEBEF)

Founded by the City of Belgrade, the Belgrade Festivals Centre (CEBEF) is responsible for organising some of the most important and long-standing film, music and multimedia festivals in Serbia (e.g. Belgrade Music Festival, Belgrade Summer Festival) but also classical music concerts of and other cultural events. CEBEF has a fruitful collaboration with University of Arts in Belgrade in the EU-co-funded #synergy project, aiming to train and connect professionals in the field of art music festival production.

CEBEF will contribute to the development of a transnational register of placements by offering student internships and/or short practical placements, giving them also the opportunity to participate in the organisation of concerts and events for the promotion and dissemination of alliance outcomes.


Conservatoire National Supérieur d'Art Dramatique

The Conservatoire National Supérieur d'Art Dramatique (CNSAD-PSL) is a higher education institution under the supervision of the Ministry of Culture. With two centuries of experience, the CNSAD-PSL is deeply rooted in French theatrical and cultural life. Its main mission is to provide specialised theoretical and practical teaching in the dramatic arts, offering a pedagogical program open to a variety of artistic approaches and aesthetics.

The partner will share its experience and expertise in the area of theatre and performance, thus contributing to IN.TUNE’s opening to other art disciplines. This will be done by sharing expertise and experience with regards to the development of new educational formats, artistic research and innovation in learning & teaching.


Consorci de l'Auditori i l'Orquestra

Created in 1999, l’Auditori de Barcelona (AdB) is a national institution and the home of the Barcelona Symphony Orchestra, the Barcelona Symphony Band and the Museum of Music. It aims to bring Catalonia and Barcelona worldwide recognition through inclusive musical activities and an extensive social and educational service, implementing projects helping to make culture accessible to everyone.

The partner will participate especially with the Museum of Music, sharing its experience and expertise in the areas of music programming and performance with a variety of ensembles, inclusive music activities and social programs contributing to develop audience engagement and cultural citizenship.


Helsingin kaupunki

The City of Helsinki (CoH) administrates important institutions (e.g. the city orchestra, music academies, schools, cultural centres), funds the music and art sector (art operating grants) but also research (innovation fund), organises (music) events and contributes to the development of working life in the art sector. It also represents society (citizens, development of urban culture), research (information centre) and has the competences of decision-making in the regional cultural policy.

The partner will contribute to IN.TUNE by identifying and sharing regional and local needs and policies, sharing expertise to support the activities with regards to research, innovation and engagement with society, and also providing effective communication and dissemination of the alliance’s activities and results.


Institut del Teatre

With more than a hundred years of history, the Institut del Teatre (IT) has the mission of being a Catalan public institution with an international vocation, specialised in training, research, innovation and the transfer of knowledge in the field of performing arts. It includes the Superior School of Dramatic Art, the Superior Conservatoire of Dance and the Superior School of Performing Arts Techniques. IT offers with ESMUC a joint postgraduate program in Performing Arts and Social Action.

The partner will share its experience and expertise on interdisciplinary artistic research and cooperation projects, new formats in learning in the area of theatre and dance, thus contributing to IN.TUNE’s opening to other art disciplines. It will also share expertise with regards to social projects with vulnerable groups.


International Benchmarking Group

Established in 2010, the International Benchmarking Group (IBG) is a network of eight of the world’s leading conservatoires, led by the Royal Northern College of Music. Its primary aim is to enhance the professional and personal development of young musicians through the sharing of best practice, ensuring that its member institutions remain at the forefront of conservatoire education and training globally. This is done on the basis of a bespoke, detailed and sophisticated database with a set of agreed benchmarks. The analysis of the data informs the work of the group and steers the agendas for its meetings and activities. Members of IBG include three IN.TUNE partner institutions and furthermore institutions outside the EU (GB, Switzerland) and outside Europe (Canada, USA, Thailand, Australia and Singapore). The partner will share experience and expertise in the area of international benchmarking and provide a direct connection and discourse between the alliance and institutions outside the EU and outside Europe.


La Cité de la musique – Philharmonie de Paris

The Philharmonie de Paris (PhildP) is the new musical heart of the French capital, hosting performances by major classical, jazz, pop, movie and world music stars in one of the three concert halls and organising pioneering educational and outreach activities for all audiences (e.g. the nationwide program for music in schools, Demos). Visitors can also enjoy its unique Music Museum and temporary exhibitions. The partner will provide internship possibilities to students to work in one of the world’s most prestigious and active music institutions and share its experience and expertise on local educational and outreach activities to develop audience engagement and cultural citizenship.


Mad Head Games

The award-winning video game developer Mad Head Games (MHG) was founded in 2011 and is based in Belgrade and Novi Sad, Serbia. As a partner in the Erasmus+ DEMUSIS project coordinated by the Faculty of Music – University of Arts in Belgrade, Mad Head Games provided excellent short term practical placements for music students, offering them the possibility to apply and test their theoretical knowledge in the production and implementation of sound and music in video games. It also contributed to defining learning outcomes for new study programmes.

MHG will contribute to the development of a register of transnational placements by offering internships, share knowledge within the Knowledge Hubs’ research activities, and with the work on the digital dimension of innovative Learning & Teaching approaches and student projects.



Musethica (MUS) is an educational concept enabling exceptionally gifted young musicians to improve their interpretative skills and to further develop their inspiration, listening, and musical abilities. It is rooted in the belief that making music is an act of communication between musicians and audience that cannot take place in isolation. The basis of the method is giving the selected young musicians daily performance opportunities during an intense period of time. These concerts are mostly performed outside traditional concert halls, in front of audiences who are not usually exposed to music and who may be unable to access traditional concert venues. Thus, Musethica has a strong and direct social impact, providing free concerts of the highest quality to excluded groups in society, turning community centres, school halls and hospital common rooms into concert venues.

The partner will share its experience and expertise in the area of the audience engagement, social outreach and performance practice, as tested and implemented in the Musethica concept.


Netherlands National Commission for UNESCO

The Dutch national Unesco Commission (DUC) was founded in 1947. The members are experts in the organisation's four areas of activity: Education, Science, Culture and Communication & Information. This network of experts permanently affiliated with the organisation is unique within the family of UN organisations. Unesco underlines the necessary input from civil society in order to achieve its objectives.

The partner will share experience and expertise to IN.TUNE with regards to the activities in the alliance in the areas of diversity, inclusion and sustainability but also on Open Science practices.


Stichting Amare

Stichting AMARE is the new home of the Royal Conservatoire, the Residentie Orkest (The Hague Philharmonic) and Nederlands Dans Theater since 2022. Located in the very city centre of The Hague, it boasts state-of-the-art facilities for performance, education and cultural events and also initiates, in cooperation with its partners, outreach projects in the various neighbourhoods of the city to support audience engagement and cultural citizenship.

The partner will provide internship possibilities to students to work in one of the world’s most prestigious and active music institutions and share its experience and expertise on local educational and outreach activities to develop audience engagement and cultural citizenship.


Stiftelsen Telemarksforsking

Founded in 1998, the Telemark Research Institute (TRI) is an institute for commissioned research, providing leading research on cultural policy and regional development, working on a broad spectrum of topics, constantly nurturing close ties between the academic perspectives and applicable knowledge. The research Group for Cultural Life and Cultural conducts research based on cultural sociological, economic and policy perspectives and includes analyses of a wide range of artists and cultural workers within performing arts, music, literature, heritage, visual arts, and design.

The Telemark Research Institute will share its experience and expertise in the areas of cultural labour and working life, cultural policy, and cultural economics in relation to the development of the IN.TUNE strategy paper on the future of higher music education. It will also provide relevant expertise to the IN.TUNE Knowledge Hubs and the joint policies of WP6.


Suomen musikkikasvatusseura – FiSME

The Finnish Society for Music Education (FiSME) was founded in 1990 as the Finnish national representative (INA-member) of ISME. It represents a wide range of music educators in Finland, ranging from music teachers in general primary and secondary education to instrumental and vocal teachers in private practices, music schools, conservatoires and music departments in higher education institutions. FiSME is closely connected to the International Society for Music Education (ISME), which has thousands of members in 80 countries worldwide and is affiliated to the International Music Council and UNESCO.

The partner will provide benefits to the alliance through its direct links to music industry, local, regional and national organisations for music education, political decision-makers and other relevant stakeholders. It will share experience and expertise on the latest developments, research and needs in music education. Through FiSME, IN.TUNE will also gain a connection to ISME, an important international platform for the dissemination of alliance activity and results.


Superar – Verein zur Förderung der Musik

The Superar, Verein zur Förderung der Musik (SUPERAR) works with professional musicians to offer children and young people free access to cultural education, so that they can benefit from the multi-layered positive impact of music irrespective of their cultural, religious, linguistic, and financial backgrounds. Currently working with over 3 000 children and young people in seven European countries via already established structures and cooperation with schools and other institutions, Superar seeks ways to extend the benefits of its approach more broadly in education systems beyond its direct reach.

The partner will share its experience and expertise with projects for the development of audience engagement and cultural citizenship social outreach, such as in developing and offering free, high-quality music programs to young people, namely from disadvantaged backgrounds.


Tuning Academy

The Tuning Academy (TA) is an International Higher Education and Research Centre for the development and enhancement of the quality of learning, teaching and assessment in higher education, focusing on the competences for intellectual development, employability and citizenship in a global context. The Tuning Academy had its origin in successful large-scale innovative projects carried out under the direction of the University of Deusto (Spain) and the University of Groningen (The Netherlands) since 2000. Its aim is to remain permanently aware of social demands and future needs, playing a key role in higher education in Europe and beyond through research, experimentation, educational innovation and support for decision making in policy on education and employment.

The partner will share experience and expertise about the TUNING methodology and, more specifically, the CALOHEX Qualification Framework for the Arts for the development of joint courses, modules and programmes in IN.TUNE. CALOHEX is being developed by a working group that includes two members from IN.TUNE partner institutions. The CALOHEX Qualification Framework for the Arts is expected to facilitate transnational curriculum development and the recognition of studies and is fully compatible with the Dublin Descriptors and the European Qualification Framework.


Ukraine National Tchaikovsky Academy of Music

Founded in 1913, the Ukrainian National Tchaikovsky Academy of Music (UNTAM) is one of the oldest and most prestigious higher music education institutions in Ukraine. More than 1.100 students study today at the Academy’s 5 faculties and 27 departments, having also the opportunity to improve their professional skills in one of its multiple choirs and (large) ensembles. In addition, the Academy has a library collection of more than 500,000 printed music items and books, a sound recording laboratory, a research laboratory for folk music, a music technology laboratory, an Opera Studio and two concert halls. The Academy is also the chair of the Conference of Ukrainian Music Academies.

The IN.TUNE alliance will actively seek ways to keep a direct and active connection with this associate partner and the other institutions it represents through the Conference of Ukrainian Music Academies. Opportunities will be explored to include students and teachers into the online activities of the alliance and all outcomes of the alliance will be shared. Furthermore, with the help of the National ERASMUS+ Agency (with which direct contacts already exist), funding will be sought for the participation of Ukrainian students and teachers in alliance activities, if the circumstances allow this. IN.TUNE would also like to contribute to the reconstruction of Ukrainian higher music education once the war has ended.


Uniunea Compozitorilor si Muzicologilor din Romania (UCMR)

Founded in 1920, the Union of Composers and Musicologists of Romania (UCMR) is a non-political professional organisation promoting music creation and interdisciplinary musicological and ethno-musicological research, supporting young musicians through yearly grants (both for composition and research) and organising two important contemporary music festivals (International Week of New Music and MERIDIAN). It is also the most important institution for validation and assessment in the music field in Romania.

For the IN.TUNE alliance, the partner will share its experience and expertise in the area of research in the field of composition and musicology. It will also provide possibilities for internships and placements as part of the efforts in IN.TUNE to establish a register of transnational placements.
