IN.TUNE aims to strengthen, in consultation with associate partners, the service to society of alliance partners by creating joint policies in the various areas of societal engagement, including Lifelong Learning for professionals, employability, professional integration and sustainable careers, audience engagement and cultural citizenship, diversity and inclusion, and various other dimensions of sustainability. Activities and outcomes in this thematic field include:
- Inventories of existing courses offered by the IN.TUNE partners:
- LLL courses
- existing courses
- joint courses
- resources
- Trainings:
- trainings of institutional concert production teams
- joint intensive training courses in the area of socially engaged practice
- Policies & Comparative Studies:
- Policy on Lifelong Learning for Professionals
- Policy on Employability, Professional Integration and Sustainable Careers
- Policy on Audience Engagement and Cultural Citizenship
- Policy on Diversity & Inclusion
- Policy on Sustainability